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The advanced tools are provided to users/administrators that have in-depth knowledge of 123 Sync and that are comfortable with the operation of Outlook and Act!.

Always make a backup when using these tools!

The advanced setting change regularly so you may not see some of the new settings on this screen.


When this tool is run, you receive a screen with the items in Outlook
to be deleted and you have the option to go ahead and remove them or to just cancel the operation. It is recommended that you run these tools when you already have done a synchronization.

·Change Act! Version. This options allows you to change the Act! version that 123 Sync accesses. Changing it to an incorrect version will result on 123 Sync failing to work.  
·List Items. These screens allow you to view relevant items in Outlook or Exchange without the need of Outlook. It is a quick way to see where you are synchronizing.  
·Remove Notes from Database. This options allows you to remove Act! notes according to a filtering criteria..  

Advanced Settings

By default, all the default settings should suffice. However, in some circumstances regarding configuration and environment, you may need to set these settings.

·Transfer User Defined Fields. Enabled by default, any Act! field mapped to an Outlook user defined field, is transferred. This encompasses the creation of a user defined field in Outlook for the Act! field. In some Exchange configuration, this may not be possible since creation of user defined fields is sometimes reserved only to the owner of the folder. Hence, you will see errors when 123 Sync tries to create those fields in Outlook. Disabling this feature stops the errors and also stops the transfer of Act! fields to Outlook User Define Properties.  
·Use Banner Setting. When enabled, if an activity is a full-day activity, 123 Sync sets the activity to a full day banner. There are side effects to this: the activity time is modified to a full day format and it will be changed when synched back to Act!. The activity is still for the whole day, but in Outlook format.  
·Folder Reset Detection Settings. When enabled, the folder reset detection enables a force update if the number of items deleted in Outlook/Exchange is larger than say 80% When large number of deletions are present, 123 Sync does not delete the items from Act! but forces these items to be written back to Outlook/Exchange. This situations usually happen when a Smartphone is reset and/or the user simply deletes the data in Outlook by mistake. It comes enabled by default and the threshold level is 50%.  
·Update Recurring Events from Outlook/Exchange to Act!. This enables reverse update of recurring events from Outlook to Act!. By default it is not enabled due to reports of a bug in Act! creating duplicate activities when updated.  
·View and Set Country Code... This option allows you to reset the default country code used by 123 Sync.  
·Time Offsets. If your Act! or Exchange server is at a different time zone, set the offset here. If you do not set the correct time offsets, 123 Sync will not pick up updates and modifications. By default, it is set to 0 (zero). If 123 Sync is not picking up updates due to time discrepancies, change the Time offsets to -12 and it should resolve the problem.  
·Timed Force Overwrite. This enables a force overwrite after a number of executions of 123 Sync. By default, it is set to 20.  
In many instances, Act! will have 3rd party applications as well as internal, mass field modifications, that do not change the modification dates of the Act! items. On these occasions, 123 Sync will not pick up the latest changes and a Force Overwrite is a good way to update all the data from Act! to Outlook/Exchange. The timed overwrite is an automated mechanism to allow that to happen.