Contact Body Text
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This option controls which parts of the Act! data related to a contact are transferred to the Contact Body Text in Outlook/Exchange.
Each user is provided with a set of options to include/exclude data from the contact body text.

Special Options for History/Notes Generation:
·Add Owner Name. When enabled, a text is inserted that identifies who entered the history entry in Act!.  
·Notes/History Date Filter. This option inserts a date marker that filters out any history/notes items that have been created before the selected date i.e. that are older than the selected date.  
·Maximum Size of Body Text per Contact. This option states the maximum amount of data to put in the Contact Body Text.  
·Include Private History/Notes: When enabled, history and notes that are Private in Act! are included in the sync. By default, only public items are included (starting with V15.2 of 123 Sync)  

This option controls which parts of the Act! data related to a contact are transferred to the Contact Body Text in Outlook/Exchange.

123 Sync offers a magnificent choice of data that you can put in the Outlook/Exchange Body Text.

Remember the data is 1-way from Act! to Outlook/Exchange and any modifications to this data in Outlook/Exchange is ignored by the synchronization software.

A typical contact body text listing could look like on a sample from the Act! Demo Database:

Contact Name
Enabled Contact Body Text option
Chris Huffman
Secondary Contacts
This lists the secondary contacts into the body text. The contact details are merged together and listed.
*** Secondary Contacts ***
Kacie Hare
Title: Payroll Supervisor
CH Gourmet Gifts
BPhone: (212) 555-1773
13 East 54th St.
New York, NY 10034

Harold Wesley
Title: VP Operations
BPhone: (212) 555-1892

Louis Hill
Sales Opportunities
Sales opportunities are taken and listed in a readable way in the contact body text. All sales opportunities are listed for the contact.
*** Sales Opportunities ***
Opp Name: St Paul
Probability: 65
Est Close Date: 2009/02/26
Actual Close Date: 9999/12/31
Company: Great Northern Coffee...
Contct Name James Hill...
Prod Name: TechONE System
Prod Total: $12,000.00
Gross Mrgn: $7,000.00
Status: Open
Stage: Negotiation
Manager Name: Chris Huffman Details:

Chris Huffman
Notes List
The notes list are all the notes associated to that contact (the notes listed in the Notes section in Act!). Here we add the Date, Owner, the contact of the note and the note details.
*** NOTES ***
***Date:4/26/2008 9:37:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
What You Should Know About This Demo Database Click the attachment icon (the icon with the paperclip) to see how the ACT11Demo database can be used to help you learn Act!. Understand how it has been customized to show off some of the features that Act! offers.
Attachment: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\ACT\ACT for
Windows 11\Databases\Act11Demo-database files\Attachments\What Your
Should Know About ACTDemo Database.rtf
Click to Open File. <C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Documents\ACT\ACT for Windows 11\Databases\Act11Demo-database
files\Attachments\What Your Should Know About ACTDemo Database.rtf>

***Date:2/13/2005 1:49:00 PM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Visit Act! Add-Ons website ( to see if there
are any third-party add-on products that might fit specific needs. You
can also buy the ACT QuickStudy Guide here to help you learn even more
about using Act!. (

***Date:2/8/2005 12:50:00 PM
***Owner: Allison Mikola
Idea: Should we consider wine basket samplers from our sister company
(CH Gourmet) as seasonal gifts?

Chris Huffman
History List
In the History List, all the enabled history items are listed. History items may be enabled/disabled from listing in the History Type Filter settings in the General Settings. These settings filter out history entries that are (in general) not of interest to the contact (for example, Field Changed history event).

*** HISTORY ***
***Date: 8/8/2008 6:00:00 AM
***Owner: Ernst Anderson
Meeting Held - USA Sales Meeting

***Date: 8/5/2008 5:00:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Meeting Held - Network Breakfast

***Date: 8/4/2008 6:00:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Meeting Held - Write Article for E-Newsletter

***Date: 7/29/2008 5:00:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Meeting Held - Network Breakfast

***Date: 7/29/2008 5:00:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Meeting Held - Network Breakfast

***Date: 7/22/2008 5:00:00 AM
***Owner: Chris Huffman
Meeting Held - Network Breakfast

Contact Fields List
You can create a customized contacts fields list with text, headers, and Act! values that you want to see on the body text of the contact.
The syntax is as follows:
User 1: [User 1]$(CR)$>

·The parenthesis < > indicate the beginning and the end of the instantiation of the User 1 field. If User 1 field has a value, then everything within the < > is inserted into the body text, including the carriage return (next line) i.e. $(CR)$ . Otherwise this line is ignored.  
·[User 1] Indicates the name of the field. We use [] as the delimiters of the field name.  
·User 1: is the text put when there is a value for User 1.  
So for example if User 1 field had the value of 123Sync, then the field would look like:  
User1: 123Sync  
If User 1 has no value or an empty value, then nothing is created for the field.  
·Any text outside the parenthesis <> is always created.